Migrating from Vite to Next.js
A how-to guide on migrating from Vite to Next.js.
All of my long-form thoughts on software, startups, and more, collected in chronological order.
A how-to guide on migrating from Vite to Next.js.
What did we (Inngest) learn from building and shipping our new app with the Next.js 13 App Router?
5 steps to quickly improve the performance of your pages.
Market yourself like startups do.
Must-watch videos for creators on YouTube.
How I revamped my brand identity.
Lessons I got from interviewing 8 brazilian content creators.
The different approaches for starting a development project.
My ideal stack for building an MVP.
How I fulfilled a need in a community.
Tips for staying up while driving.
How to balance confidence and safety.
How traveling can be used as a self-development tool.
A short explanation of the patterns that I encountered during project researches.
My first experience with mobile development.
The final project of my Swiss apprenticeship.